Phrase: diet

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    Holly Powell Talks With

    How did you get started with bodybuilding? I was not an athlete growing, but had a naturally “skinny” body, so it didn’t take much effort to keep my physique the way I liked it, that is until after my first two years of college that included too much alcohol and overindulgence of bad food!   We […]

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    The Beautiful Alexandra Porshnikoff Talks With Simplyshredded

    How did you get started with bodybuilding? I’ve always been athletic and loved sports. My first foray into weightlifting was in high school.  I was enrolled in dance class at the time, and broke my foot.  I didn’t want to sit still for the hour, so I had permission to enroll in the only other […]

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    Q&A With Nutrition Expert Alan Aragon: Milk

    Nutrition expert Alan Aragon, who’s responding to claims that milk isn’t good for you. Alan is what I call a common sense nutritionist. He combines science and the real-world experience of his clients to create his recommendations, and also takes every case individually. Here, he tackles the arguments that “milk doesn’t contribute to bone health,” […]

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    The Popular BarbieBarbell Talks With Simplyshredded

    How did you get started with bodybuilding? Well I really didn’t start in Bodybuilding I started Power lifting at the age of 9 to strengthen my back because I was diagnosed with Scoliosis in the second grade. The doctors wanted to put me in a Halo-with steels rods down my spine and have me walk […]

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    Myths Under The Microscope: Fasted Cardio

    Discussion & Afterthoughts Not an “Either-Or” Issue The current facts have been presented in parts 1 & 2, and the bases for conclusion should be self-evident. Let me clarify that HIIT and linear high-intensity cardio are not the best and only ways to go. Many folks have perfectly legitimate orthopedic, cardiac, and even psychological reasons […]

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    John Rozmus Talks With

    How did you get started with bodybuilding? I have always had equipment around the house because my mother has always had a passion for fitness. When I was very young I wanted to be big and strong like all my idols, so I would get up before elementary school to work out on our home […]

  • , prides itself on its high quality articles from some of the best and well known writers/bodybuilders/trainers in the industry. Here is a full list of the authors and contributors of Layne is a natural pro bodybuilder who just happens to also be interested in the science behind bodybuilding. He is currently working on […]