How did you get started with bodybuilding?
I got my start in Bodybuilding probably the same way everyone else did, I loved the gym! LOL. I quickly made the transition from hobby to active career, into the field of personal training, and was encouraged by many of my clients and co-workers, specifically Jen Flontek, at ClubFit South Edmonton, (May it rest in peace, Best Gym EVER) to try a competition, you know, just to see how I did. Just as a goal, something new to focus on. Luckily for me, one of my co-trainers was a Heavyweight Female Bodybuilder and a Pro at contest nutrition, Tara Silzer. (Congrats on your recent Overall Tara.) She helped me out and taught me almost everything I know about precontest conditioning, and diet. Also my buddy Scott Johnson is a master of Brutal Leg Assaults, and always made sure I was pushing hard. Without Tara and Scott’s help, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Thanks to all the amazing friends I had Pushing me and Helping me, I competed in my first Show, and WON! Since then I’ve competed twice more, and won each time.
My next Competition is the 2010 WBFF World Championships, September 18th in Toronto Ontario, Where I will be competing as a PRO Fitness Model, against the best in the World. This Competition is going to Be EPIC!
Where does your motivation come from?
I draw my motivation from various areas of my life. For me I only compete against ME! If I’ve improved with every show then I’ve already won in my own mind. But to get myself there I just remember that no matter how hard I’m training, someone else out there IS training harder! That last rep or two is what defines the winners from the losers. I have a great Training Partner and Girlfriend, Mindy Karuk, whom you’ve interviewed before, who loves to make sure I’m sweating harder, and moving faster with ever single training session. She always makes sure I’m eating properly, and she tries to anticipate my every need before I even know they exist. Mindy’s going for her Procard in Diva Fitness Model as well in September. And she’s gonna get it

My family and Friends always motivate me. I’m always getting well wishes and notes of encouragement from almost everyone I know.
From not letting me blow my diet by drinking, and understanding when we go to the beach bringing my own food is a MUST, to accepting the fact that my workouts will always trump “Movie Night”, My Family and Friends always and CONSTANTLY motivate me to be better than the next guy. Something new to my motivation is Sponsorship. Last competition I was sponsored by “All In Energy Drinks”, a favor from a friend when he saw that I was lacking in the “motivational” department. Knowing that someone is putting their name behind you really kicks you in the ass to perform better and train harder. It’s not just YOU out there on stage anymore. You can’t let those guys down!! This Competition and I’m really hoping for all my future Competitions, I’ve been lucky enough to get sponsored by “Magnum Nutraceuticals” and “Reflex Nutrition Richmond”. Markus Kaulius at Magnum showed me that it’s possible to still have integrity in business today, and his integrity easily carries over into the quality of his products.
All the products are PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE, and so amazingly efficient! Quality of Product and of Character made it easy to attach my name to such an amazing brand like Magnum.
Reflex Nutrition, owned by Steeve Clair is a whole different story. Steeve is the kind of guy that doesn’t believe in failure. EVER! In fact I’ve never seen Steeve fail at anything. The girls at Reflex make sure I’m eating clean at least 4 times a day. This usually comprises my entire shift when I’m there. ;) And Steeve is always reminding me of ways I can improve myself, not just in the gym or on stage, but in life overall. And believe me when I say he’s not always nice about it. Ok so he’s never nice about it. Steeve tells you how it is, and gives you the tools to accomplish anything. As you can see, my life is full of motivation! I barely have a chance to breathe.
My favourite quote from Steeve is “If you’re not where you want to be, then what the hell are you doing to get yourself there?”
Fitness Model Chris Lazecki 2010 WBFF Worlds Prep
What workout routine has worked best for you?
I train “Instinctively” meaning my routines are never the same! Ever! Sets, Reps, Weights, Always Changing. But if I had to pick one method, I would choose Pyramid and Reverse Pyramid Training: Going up in weight and down in reps with each set, or the opposite.
Monday: Chest/Triceps
Flat Bench
- Incline Dumbbell press
- Dips or decline press
- Machine Flys
- Kickbacks
Tuesday: Back/ Biceps
- Wide Grip Chins
- Deadlifts
- Close Grip Rows
- Preacher Curls
- Supinated Chins
Wednesday: Shoulders
- DB Shoulder Press
- DB Raises
- Shrugs
- Upright rows
Thursday: Legs
- Straight leg Deadlifts
- Ham curls
- Donkey raises
- Plyo Squats
Friday: Arms
- Bicep Curls to Failure
- Tricep extensions to Failure
Saturday: Off
- Rest Day
Sunday: Legs
- Squats
- Leg extensions
- Leg Press
- Hack Squats
- Calve Raises
Leg Training Video – Chris Lazecki
If you have to pick only 3 exercises, what would they be and why?
- Squats- Just because they Rock your entire LEG!!
- Dumbbell Chest Press- Because it’s extremely versatile in chest and shoulder training
- Wide Grip Chins- Because it’s all you need to build your back
What is your diet like?
Clean eating 5 days a week in the offseason, and Clean Eating 6 days a week on-season, 7 days precontest.
- Meal 1: 6 eggs, 2 scoops Magnum Quattro, banana, oatmeal
- Meal 2: Reflex Chicken/beef and Rice, with Veggies
- Meal 3: Reflex Chicken Salad with avocado.
- Meal 4: Reflex Chicken/beef and Rice, with Veggies
- Meal 5: Banana, Quattro, Reflex Clubhouse Chicken Wrap.
- Meal 6: Magnum Quattro, and Home cooked food. Maybe BBQ steak, with Baked Potato or Turkey Burgers.
”Every day you train is judgment day. Each rep, each plate matters”
They say that the pre and post-workout meals are the most vital meals for the day, what do yours consist of?
- Pre workout: 30 min pre workout, 2 bananas,
- Post Workout: Magnum Quattro, and a Reflex Chicken ClubHouse Wrap, (7oz chicken, No fat Mayo, Sweet Chili Sauce, low fat cheese, tomato, turkey bacon, onions, lettuce, and some bell peppers) SO TASTY
When trying to cut down do you prefer to use HIIT or just normal cardio?
I hate Steady State Cardio, HIIT is awesome, but so is a finisher of 100 Chins, or 100 Pushups for time.
What is your supplementation like?
- Wake Up: 2 scoops “Magnum Quattro”
- Preworkout: 8 Caps “Magnum DNA”, 4 Caps “Magnum BigC”, 4 Caps “Magnum A-Bomb”
- Post Workout: 2 scoops “Magnum Quattro”, 4 Caps “Magnum BigC”, 4 Caps “Magnum A-Bomb”
- Bedtime: 2 scoops “Magnum Quattro” and “Magnum Thrust”
Favorite Bodybuilders?
Paul Dillett
- Lee Priest
- Branch Warren
- Ben Paluski
- Eryk Bui
- ARNIE of Course
Favorite Quote?
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”